• Special Features
  • A revolutionary design that defies convention!
  • Overcome the problems that plague regular blocks!
  • Foster your child's imagination and creative expression!
  • Uses in math and art
  • How To Use
  • Mathematics
  • Art
  • Play
  • Play

Youtube Artec official channel english english french germany russian korean


Site Policy


In this site, in cases where the Customer is asked to supply or register his/her personal information, in order to protect privacy of the Customer, we have adopted encrypted communication system called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
When communicating in this encryption mode, the URL displayed at the top of the browser is not www.artec-kk.co.jp/, it will be http://secure.future-s.com/~ artec/. This is due to our server configuration and not to be worried about.


There are cases where use of SSL may not be available depending on the computer environment such as communicating from company offices. In those cases, please contact the system administrator in charge.
Also, there may be the cases when SSL is not available due to the browser version. When the entry form is now shown properly, please upgrade your browser.

Privacy Policy

Customer information provided on this site will not be used for any other purposes than the original purpose of use which the Customer has agreed.
Also, even for the cases judged by the Company to lead to the benefit of the Customer (including new product introduction), the Company will inform the Customer and ask for the consent beforehand.

In the occurrence of event that could lead to leakage of customer information, the Company may take action such as shutting down the site immediately without notice. Please be forewarned.


The right for all the data contained in this site ; text, photographs, illustrations, logos, shall belong to Artec Co., Ltd.


The right for all production, naming, and planning based on the comments and inquiries from the Customer shall belong to Artec Co., Ltd.